Teaching Assistant/Reader Position Opportunities 2025-26
How to Apply
If you are a UC Davis graduate student and are interested in applying, please download and complete application attached below. Completed applications are accepted year-round and should be submitted by email to Jennifer Carriere. The main review of applications and selection of candidates for TA positions for the following academic year takes place during April, but other appointments for positions needing to be filled are made on a more ad-hoc basis as is needed.
Continuing graduate students:
The TA application is a fillable form that requires Adobe Acrobat to complete. Adobe Acrobat is available:
- through the UC Davis virtual lab, virtuallab.ucdavis.edu
- in all UC Davis computer rooms
Entering graduate students not on the UC Davis campus:
The TA application is a fillable form that requires Adobe Acrobat to complete. If you don’t have Adobe Acrobat or access to Adobe Acrobat, you can use Adobe Reader to fill out the application. Adobe Reader is available for free through https://get.adobe.com/reader/. For instructions on how to save your form as a PDF, visit https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/saving-pdfs.html.
Questions? Contact Jennifer Carriere at jacarriere@ucdavis.edu or (530) 752-3026