John L Largier

John Largier portrait

Position Title

3122 Wickson Hall / Bodega Marine Lab

John Largier’s research is in coastal oceanography and ecology, specifically field-based study of water motion and the associated transport of water-borne material.  This includes oceanographic study of bays in upwelling regions, west coast estuaries characterized by arid summers, bar-built mouths and pulsed winter inflow, and nearshore circulation (e.g., outflow from rivers, shoaling internal tides, and wind/wave-driven flows).  John’s interest in environmental and ecological issues include larval/juvenile dispersal, coastal water quality (e.g., beach pollution), and primary productivity including harmful algal blooms.  His long-term goal is to better understand coastal ocean systems to obtain an integrative view of how the diverse components, processes, and scales fit together. 

John is part of the Graduate Group in Ecology.